Consumers Struggle To Pay Their Electric Bills and Plan To Conserve in 2024

Consumers Struggle To Pay Their Electric Bills and Plan To Conserve in 2024
 Window Film: A Solution to Alleviate Electric Bill Woes in 2024In the midst of escalating electric bills, consumers worldwide are grappling with the financial strain imposed by soaring energy costs. As the calendar turns to 2024, households are...

Apple Employees Keep Walking Into Glass Panels

Apple Employees Keep Walking Into Glass Panels
Apparently Apple has never heard of our beautiful line of decorative and frosted window films. Apple opened its new campus last year -- a stunning, glass-walled filled monstrosity designed to encourage openness and collaboration. But Bloomberg reports...

Window Film Protects Wood Floors and Furnishings From Fading

Window Film Protects Wood Floors and Furnishings From Fading
Protection from Sun-Caused Fading Floors and Furnishings Flooring and furnishings are expensive. Window film is one of the best ways to protect your home from the harmful effects of the suns light, heat and UV radiation   Furnishing a home...

Window Film Versus Window Shades

Window Film Versus Window Shades
Window Film Versus Window Shades Window Films & Tinting can add extra benefits that blinds, curtains and shades simply can't offer.   Deciding between installing window film or window shades might be a matter of personal preference, but...

Lower energy costs and increase tenant comfort with commercial window tinting.

Lower energy costs and increase tenant comfort with commercial window tinting.
Commercial Window Tinting saves money, increases comfort for workers and customers and protects glass and furnishings. It takes a leader to protect one. As one of the countries leading installer of architectural window tint, Florida Window Films...

Window Tinting Protects Fish Tanks From Algae Growth

Window Tinting Protects Fish Tanks From Algae Growth
If your fish tank sits in direct sunlight for part or all of the day, a clear UV (Ultra Violet) blocking window film can help keep the tank clean by retarding algae growth. Standard UV-blocking window films will stop nearly all of the suns harmful UV...

Best Window Tint Percentage For Your Home or Business

Best Window Tint Percentage For Your Home or Business
A common question we get here at Florida Window Films is "Whats the best tint percentage (darkness) for my home windows?"  A window films light transmission percentage is a representation of the "darkness" of a window film, or how much light the...

Electric Window Tint Has A Big Break Through

Electric Window Tint Has A Big Break Through
A big break through in electric window tinting for vehicles has been announced by Continental automotive supplier. Continental has developed a new technology that can tint car windows at the push of a button. Intelligent Glass Control uses the application...

Window Tint - How Dark is Too Dark?

Window Tint - How Dark is Too Dark?
Window tinting is almost a necessity in bright or warm climates, but state laws govern how dark is too dark when it comes to tinting your vehicle's windows. Window Tinting "darkness" is measured in terms of its VLT, or Visual...

10 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Window Tinting

10 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Window Tinting
Window Film is a great addition to your home or business Where do you spend the bulk of your time? Most likely it’s your home and workplace. That’s why it’s always surprising to learn that so many people spend hours a day feeling uncomfortable in...
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