How To Remove Window Tint

  Removing old window tinting is a laborious and time consuming task, and is usually best left to the professionals. However, if you have the time, and the proper tools, you can make removing window tint much less painful.

Removing old window tinting can be time consuming. Patience and the right tools and knowledge can keep you from pulling your hair out!

What you will need:
  • Stainless-steel single edge razor blades (Found at the local hardware store)
  • Spray bottle filled with water and 4-5 squirts of dish soap
  • Non-Scratching Nylon Scrub Pads
  • Clean rags
  • Simple Pink Cleaner
  • Large black trash bags
  • Bottle of Windex with Ammonia-D (Any brand will suffice but we recommend Windex)
  • Paper Towels
Optional Supplies:
  • Steamer 

    Getting Started:

    The Sweating Method 
    Cut the trash bag to fit on the outside of the window
    1. Carefully cut open the trash bag to its most effective size for covering the while window glass.
    2. Mist the outside of the window you are working on and place the trash bag so it is covering the entire window area.
    3. Carefully trim the trash bag to the shape of the window so it will cover the entire tinted surface when placed on the inside.
    4. Spray the inside tinted surface with the Windex Ammonia-D cleaner. Keep your head low to avoid breathing the rising fumes.
    5. Transfer the trash bag to the inside tinted surface, positioning it to cover all exposed film.
    6. Smooth out any large air pockets with your hand so the trash bag lays as flat as possible.
    7. Place the vehicle in direct sunlight, so the window gets the maximum sunlight available.
    8. Allow the ammonia solution to soak through the film for 25-35 minutes. Keep the doors closed to maximize temperatures and minimize evaporation.
    9. Check to see if the film is ready by peeling a corner with a razor blade (mind any defroster lines! They are very fragile and can be damaged easily by a razor blade!) If it readily peels, continue pulling diagonally with the plastic bag still on the film surface.
    10. If the film fails to yield, pull down the plastic trash bag and re-apply the Windex solution and immediately re-cover. Check again in 30 minutes
    11. Repeat as necessary
    12. Should any residue (adhesive) remain after film removal, spray the window with Windex and use a non-scratch nylon pad to gently scrub away the adhesive. Use paper towels to collect the removed adhesive.
     The Steamer Method

    Steamers work well at removing film!
    1. On the film side of the glass, continuously move the steamer back and forth, concentrating on 1-2 square feet of film at a time.
    2. Use a razor blade to gently lift up a corner the film where you have ran the steamer, and slowly pull back the film. If any adhesive remains, apply several more passes of the steamer.
    3. Once the film reaches it's "release" temperature, continue to steam as you slowly peel the film
    4. If any adhesive remains, use a non-scratch scrub pad and soapy water to gently scrub away the adhesive.

    NOTE: Use caution and sense when using the steamer. It is HOT and will cause burns if used carelessly!

    If you have the time, and a little patience,and know how to remove window tint, removing your old window tint can be done by you at home. If you have any questions, you can contact a professional to help assist you!